What to wear
Whatever type of photography shoot it is, whether couple, family or newborn I always recommend very similar suggestions. Choose a palette of 2-3 colours and/or tones. You want to be cohesive without matching too much. For example, white, peach, navy blue and grey. Choose muted tones that are a bit subdued so that you are the subject and not your clothes. Ideally try to avoid bright neon colours (especially reds, oranges, bright greens and yellows) and bold patterns or logos.
For shoots involving children I strongly recommend against bringing a change of clothes. Changing clothes can take up precious time and can frustrate active little ones. In this case you can create several looks by just adding layers and accessories like hats, scarves, jackets and cardigans.
For Newborn shoots I like to photograph babies wearing very little or nothing at all! I will bring some light colour fabrics and muslin wraps that we can wrap your newborn in. I would recommend not to use newborn outfits, as they are usually too big and tend to drown the baby and cover their face when holding or posing him/her! If parents want an outfit for the baby, then solid, light coloured and snug fitting outfits look best on newborns.
Inside Location
Photoshoots can happen at your home for a more intimate style. These type of shoots done in your home, for example can be on a couch, master bedroom or in the garden. Ideally it would be helpful to try and declutter as much as possible. When shooting in the master bedroom or lounge try and use muted or white blankets or throws. The session can take place at any time of the day as long as natural light is plentiful in the space you wish to use. All you need to do to prepare is open the blinds/curtains to let in as much light as possible. When photographing newborns, aim to make the home as warm as possible, so in the cooler months turn on heating an hour before the shoot.